Wednesday, October 22, 2008

TwO MONths**

our sweet bug elsa
is two months old!
lots of smiles and adoring gazes
radiate from her,
and she is a fabulous cuddler.
elsa is just
a perfect addition to our little family.
hutch constantly wants to know
where she is and is always
offering commentary of her actions:
'baby eat, baby cry, night-night baby,
eye off (her eyes are closed), etc.'
he certainly has moments of jealousy
(i don't think the baby hair bows i found in the
toilet this morning got there on their own),
but hutch seems to bond with her more every day.
we love our ladybug!

1 comment:

outofthedark said...

she is just beautiful like her mommy!
oh my. you must snuggle her constantly.