Friday, July 18, 2008

so tired...

hutch, like myself,
is in love with anything water related.
i spent my childhood summers
in our pool all day, occasionally taking breaks
that were punctuated with
push-up pops and scooters bought in bulk
from the schwann man.
something about swimming always makes me
extra hungry and extra sleepy
after i'm done.
as it turns out, the water evokes
the same reactions in hutchy.
after a morning at the pool playing with other kiddos,
he was chowing down while i was on the phone with liz.
when i glanced at him a moment later, he had rapidly gone from
eating to this:

tOiLET pAPer CaPer

alex was showering
and started calling for me to 'come get hutch'.
when i arrived and investigated the scene,
i found our boy unraveling toilet paper
and putting it in the shower.
so i stopped the shenanigans,
but only after i caught it on film
and he was pretty much done anyway.

Thursday, July 10, 2008

GooD tIMeS

grandpa and nana j
rolled out the red carpet for us
last week.
hutch had such a great time
he took four hour naps
for the first two days
after we got back.
he wore himself out
with the nonstop playing.
he's pretty smitten with his grandparents..
and we are, too.

sWeEt AddY

while alex and eric went fishing one morning,
mer and i introduced two new buddies.
hutch was a fan of addy and gave her kisses and pats.
here's to hoping he feels the same for our little bundle arriving soon.

FiREcRaCKeR, fiRecrAckEr, BooM bOOm BoOm

this fourth
led us to kansas city
to fill up on family, friends, and bbq.
we spent the day at villagefest,
where hutch indulged in fire trucks,
a petting zoo, any kansas city mascot that mattered,
and a military helicopter.
a bonus came in the form of the hayes and trotter crews
who were in town from denver to see family as well.
hutch had a blast on the trip.
he had plenty of nana j and grandpa time,
played nonstop,
saw plenty of pool action,
and found his first crush: mrs. wendy mccune