'back up, back up, 'cause it's on.'
hmmm..guess it's time to play catch up.
we finally had our internets hooked up on monday.
prior to that, we were, ahem, borrowing from an unsecured
network in the area (thank you, dogsbreath, whoever you are),
making our connection spotty at best, and making uploading more than
one picture at a time nothing short of impossible.
so here we are. i present to you a misceallaneous slideshow of our happenings
in the past few months. there are more to follow of our slew of visitors: cotter, our parents, the coors, as well as other standout events, but i figured this would be the easiest way to get a glimpse of our life here, at least prior to alex starting work a couple of weeks ago.
i am in love with missoula. every day has involved hiking, biking, throwing rocks in the river, visiting the local farm, and going to the farmer's market. the beauty of it all? the farmer's market is the only thing not within walking distance, and even that is just a fifteen minute bike ride downtown. our time here has been great. we have found a church, found new friends, and hutch starts saying,
"today has been a great day" or "sure is a pretty day today," every day around dinnertime.
reality set in a bit when alex started work, and i'm sure january-march/april will prove to be a strong dose of it as well, but it is so fun to get settled in a place where you know you won't be moving in a couple of years. and even more fun that i have a view of the mountains out of every window in our house.