Tuesday, May 20, 2008

15 MonTHS, 15 thiNgS

it's hard to believe
our bean is 15 months old.
these days he spends his time
following or looking for the kitty,
turning lights on and off,
oohing and ahhing over
big rigs and construction sites,
and making a mess wherever he goes.
we are so blessed to have
this happy, funny, loving boy in our lives.
to celebrate, here are 15 things we love about him
(in no particular order):

1. his voice-there's no volume control. the knob's turned all the way up all the time.
2. the dimple on his left cheek.
3. how excited he gets when he sees his dad's car turn onto the street at the end of the day.
4. he's an adventurous eater and eats capers with the same fervor as cheerios and strawberries.
5. when he initiates playing peek-a-boo. he crouches down behind the couch and you slowly see two chubby hands at the top before his big, smiling face pops up. it's intoxicating.
6. his wet kisses.
7. the pets are the most frequent receivers of his kisses.
8. his infectious laugh. sometimes it involves him scrunching his nose.
9. he loves showing off new tricks for us.
10. he loves making us laugh and has his dad's humor. some of his jokes include pretending to lean out of the highchair and showing us his foot when there's not much going on. i know, i know, he's the next seinfeld.
11. he enjoys cuddling.
12. his smile when he sees his mama and daddy (or kitty, devo dog, or burt dog.)
13. when he's unsure of terrain he holds tightly onto our fingers when toddling along.
14. when he tries to imitate the sound of snoring.
15. everything!!

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